Nama-stuck no more

I’ve been sitting on this blog, this website, and this business for far too long.

Clinging onto perfectionist tendencies:

“If it’s not perfect, it’s not worth it”

“I need more experience, I need to have a stack of blog posts to showcase my writing”

“What if… [insert miscellaneous fears of failure]”

At a certain point, you just have to take the plunge. Ready or not.

You may or may not be familiar with Patanjali’s 8 limbs of yoga (I might need to blog about each one of these at some point…) One of the eight limbs is called the yamas, or ethical principles. One of the yamas that I have tried to emulate since starting my yoga journey is Aparigraha, nonattachment.  Nonattachment can apply to many facets of life, and it really hits deep in my new venture into starting my own business. Being unattached to an outcome and letting the journey surprise and delight me.

If you’re coming across this, it’s not by accident. We’re all human, and thus, get attached to outcomes.  This frequently might look like attachment to the outcome of work endeavors, fitness goals, relationships, anything. Let this be a reminder (we all need one) that it’s okay to pursue things for the sake of the pursuit. And here I am, trying to “walk the walk” by putting myself out there with this new business.

Thanks for reading. Keep explauring 😊


PS… I never explained the title of this. Namaste is a common yoga expression and greeting which translates to “bow to you” I feel like I’ve “bowed” to feeling stuck, and, no more! Plus, I can never resist a pun.