About Laura

I’m so happy you’re here. I’m Laura and the first order of business is to tell you about my deep love of puns and clever wordsmithing. Hence how “Explaurations” (get it?) was born. The concept behind my new business is living life outside of boxes, niches, and labels. To really explaur what’s possible. Society may have told me that the brand is messy or isn’t niched down enough. But, since when does society get a gold star for functionality, or 5 star reviews from its clientele? That’s what I thought.

About Explaurations:

A multipassionate’s mothership

A few themes have kept coming back to me over the years: yoga & mindfulness, overall wellbeing practices, and my love of creative writing, particularly with lifestyle & wellness content.

I thought, “maybe these don’t belong together in one spot” and then I thought, “how could they not?”

All of my interests stem from being a catalyst to my creativity, they are all interconnected. So, I hope you enjoy learning about me and how Explaurations came to be birthed. I haven’t been this excited about a business endeavor in too many years to count, and I can’t wait to connect with you.